Aluno(a) |
Diógenes Valdanha Neto |
Titulo |
Os filhos do Lago do Cuniã: educação escolar em uma Reserva Extrativista da Amazônia |
Orientador(a) |
Profa. Dra. Dulce Consuelo Andreatta Whitaker |
Data |
16/04/2014 |
Resumo |
Neste estudo será desenvolvida uma investigação empírica na Reserva Extrativista (RESEX) do Lago do Cuniã, estado de Rondônia, Amazônia brasileira. Na Reserva habitam cerca de 350 ribeirinhos, e entende-se que a escola da comunidade que possui classes do 1° ao 9° ano do ensino fundamental deve dialogar com a cultura tradicional desse moradores para que haja uma verdadeira valorização dessa. A principal questão deste estudo é Como a escola da RESEX do Lago do Cuniã vêm dialogando com a cultura tradicional da comunidade residente na localidade?. Os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos estão baseados na Educação Popular e Pesquisa Participante. Na primeira parte do estudo, já realizada e em fase de sistematização, o pesquisador conviveu com pessoas da comunidade com vistas a uma aproximação com os participantes da pesquisa e melhor entendimento da realidade. A segunda parte irá contar com a escola enquanto espaço empírico e enfocará a compreensão de como os elementos culturais aparecem nesse espaço, se, e como, são relacionados com as práticas de ensino. As técnicas de levantamentos de dados serão observação participante (com sistematização em diário de campo), e realização de entrevistas com seis professores e a diretora da escola. Dados que serão triangulados juntamente às informações adquiridas por meio da revisão bibliográfica. A realidade descrita será analisada utilizando principalmente os conceitos de cultura em Geertz, e ideologia em Marx.
Palavras-chave: Educação Popular; Populações tradicionais; Escola.
It can be affirmed that some principles of the Brazilian Environmental Education (EE), academically grounded and legally sustained, are the valuing of cultural diversity, and the approaching of environmental issues in an integrated manner, considering their close relationship to social practices. Supported by these assumptions, this paper reports part of a Master thesis in Education developed in the Extractive Reserve of Lago do Cuniã in the state of Rondônia Brazilian Amazon. The main goals were to comprehend elements of the traditional culture of the inhabitants, and how the local school dialogue with aspects of it. Inspired by a demand of the community, which has a high rate of non-literate adults, several meetings aiming adult literacy, guided by the method developed by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire, were performed, attempting to obtain a greater understanding of local culture, since this method requires that the pedagogical process starts from the reading of the world, to the reading of the word. The riverine people that live at Lago do Cuniã have a range of valuable environmental knowledge linked to their cultural practices, which must be respected and appreciated. Following the methodological steps pointed by Freire, it was made a vocabulary survey and selected some generating words, which, considering their phonetic and semantic richness, subsidised the literacy meetings. The generating words were: RABETA (most common craft in the region), DIANA (name of one of the participants of the meetings), NATURE, and SCHOOL. Due to the high isolation of some habitations, the activities were conducted at the residence of a traditional family, whose protagonists were two adults (one man and one woman) considered local leaders. Moreover, the companionship with the family was taken as a methodological perspective, allowing direct observation of the social interactions and records in a field diary. The key data revealed that previous actions with these adults literacy, developed disregarding the local context and vocabulary universe, hindered a critical learning of the signs of words. Furthermore, dialogues allowed reconsiderations about established gender relations and contributed to participants reflection on their role as persons with entitled rights, and creators of culture, what is constantly denied by the hegemonic ideology. Great environmental knowledge emerged during meetings and gatherings, and we believe that partnerships between adult literacy actions in traditional communities, permeated by EE, can configure a powerful tool for critical reading of reality, and contribute to community strengthening toward a more participatory land management.
Keywords: Environmental Education, Literacy, Amazon. |
Tipo |
Defesa-Mestrado |
Texto Completo |