Aluno(a) |
Danielle de Almeida Mota Soares |
Titulo |
POLÍTICA DE SUBSTITUIÇÃO DE IMPORTAÇÕES: a experiência de industrialização da África do Sul |
Orientador(a) |
Data |
28/09/2017 |
Resumo |
A industrialização foi um processo transformador para as sociedades modernas, alterando as
relações sociais e econômicas. Na África do Sul, teve a peculiaridade de ocorrer em conjunto
com o regime de apartheid, o que por muitas vezes desviou os estudos acadêmicos para a
negligência com os direitos humanos e relações políticas. Diante disto, o objetivo do presente
estudo é fazer uma análise das motivações, contexto, condução e resultados da política de
substituição de importações sul-africana, amparada na teoria disponível sobre o tema, nos
estudos específicos sobre essa experiência de política e, também, em dados secundários. A
industrialização da África do Sul apresenta algumas indústrias relacionadas à mineração que
são fortificadas com os incentivos depois da Primeira Guerra Mundial. No pós-guerra, iniciase
uma política de substituição mais elaborada, em conjunto com a criação de estatais, outros
incentivos e o apartheid. Apesar do crescimento econômico e o desenvolvimento industrial
alcançados na época, o apartheid ao mesmo tempo que forneceu mão de obra barata
inicialmente, potencializou as distorções causadas pela política de substituição de
Palavras – chave: política de substituição de importações, industrialização, África do Sul.
The text presented here is the result of a research that sought to make an anthropological
approach to comics, this well known expressive practice.
For this, in the first chapter, I contextualized more general questions that guided the research
from its beginning to the present moment, with a series of adjustments in this path. And I
looked for theoretical tools in anthropology, in other fields and in the propositions of comics
artists and comic book critics that would allow me to treat them in a broad way, in connection
with other expressive practices and without the need to approach them for their original bias
as the product of industrial mass culture or as a minor expressive manifestation, in the
traditional hierarchy of consecrated arts. In addition to this, I surveyed the contemporary
developments, in Brazil and in the world, in practices of comics artists and in some
perceptions presented in the social worlds that encompass them.
From then on, in the second and third chapters, the text focuses on the fieldwork and analysis
of images produced by two of my interlocutors, Gabriel Góes and Pedro Franz. The work of
Góes gave me the opportunity to talk about salient practices on his comics' cration, but which
also compose a repertoire shared by other creators. Such as appropriation, the non-canonical
approach to drawing, and the search for sensory effects in readers who are not strictly guided
by the "reward" offered by a traditional narrative with beginning, middle, and end. It was also
possible to draw some considerations on the connection between the activity of a comic artist
and the life of an author himself.
Leaning on the dialogues with Pedro Franz and on his work, I was able to make notes on the
contemporary situation of conflict or understanding between the field of the visual arts and
the field of comics, a constant coupling in the thought and the practice of this author. As in
Góes' work, it was also possible to deal with the different materials and tools that a
contemporary comic artist can choose to work with and the impact of that choice on the final
result materialized on the page. Here too, we were able to discuss the relationships between
comics and other spheres of performance that go beyond the activities of drawing and writing,
to include their circulation and the positions taken by the artists in the face of the social
challenges placed upon them. In short, once again we connect comics and different aspects of
life, relying on the notion - inspired by Franz's lines - of "expanded making comics".
Through this path, I hope to have offered to readers a glimpse of the intense and varied
activities that are currently taking shape in the field of comics.
Keywords: 1. Comics. 2. Anthropology of Expressive Forms. 3. Anthropology of Art. 4.
Anthropology of Images.
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